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Time to ZOOM Out and Look at the Whole Picture

Online courses have definitely been taxing on both students and academics, but it definitely outweighs risking our lives daily sitting near a possibly infected individual. For many individuals, including myself, staying in the dorms at college was an attempt to escape home life. Unfortunately, it seems I will never be able to as many refuse to follow precautionary guidelines.

Eventually, life as we once knew it will return but for now be sure to follow some of these tips that I have found to be helpful in surviving online classes!

As an individual who has been taking online courses from spring 2020 and summer 2020 (with no break) the biggest motivation I have found is quite literally setting a timer for every assignment or reading I do. This does not mean fall to pressure and buckle, rather set a boundary for yourself. If you know you would spend a certain allotted amount of time for an essay or assignment if the course was being taught in person, try to follow through with that. It is rather easy to get distracted when your phone is right by your side so be sure to have it on airplane mode (the alarm will still ring)!

I would also like to note that I am aware not everyone has that luxury as we are going through a pandemic, and I want to reassure everyone you are doing quite an adequate job with the cards you have been dealt with!

The second piece of advice is investing in blue-light reflecting glasses! Constantly staring at a screen can cause strain and pressure on your eyes. The prices can vary anywhere from 3USD to 30USD; the results are the same (no need to spend more than what is needed) on eBay and Amazon. Additionally, I would recommend having your device set to the night/yellow light mode, it is far easier on the eyes.

Thirdly, my last piece of advice is to make sure to take breaks for yourself. It is often overlooked how much happiness (despite the anxiety) we receive when interacting with people in person. I have found online interaction has caused me to become far more anxious and feel as though I am just a coded, functioning software, and not a real human. It is important to do small things such as taking long showers, face masks, or even drawing to remind yourself you are still breathing and are alive. I understand that it is easy to forget that and some of you may be going through hard times. Your mental health is important and valid!

Again, I am rooting for you and your new success via online courses/settings!